• Do you want to understand your business better?

  • Gain a stronger sense of proactive control?

  • Empower your people to easily analyze your data and discover meaningful insights?

You are at the right place. We specialize in all things data.

Is your data locked up in legacy ERP systems and isolated silos? Are you tired of static, staid reports you have to export to Excel first before you can do anything really useful?

Do you wish your people could access and explore it all easily in one place via the cloud or the phone?

Do you need to collect a bit more additional data at just the right place (and time) in your business process in a frictionless way?

Do you wish your software systems could talk to each other?

Are you re-keying the same data twice?

Do you want to automate or semi-automate pre-defined set of tasks you repeat on a regular basis?

Finally, do you want to see it all brought together meaningfully and beautifully into one powerful BI platform that lets you analyze it in highly flexible ways to discover new insights? 

Do you want to work together better as a unified business with a single, reliable source of truth for all your different functional teams?

Why Power BI ? Learn more about what sets Power BI apart as a top-tier business intelligence tool.

Let us help you unlock your data’s full potential. We will make it flow together in connected streams into a single data warehouse and train your teams on how to analyze and interact with it in highly flexible ways that go beyond consumption of information to discovery of insights.  Microsoft Power BI is a modern, Business Intelligence platform designed to work on the web and on your phones with amazing ability to connect to all kinds of data.  It lets you get more mileage from the data in all your other software systems.

Yes, we can do that. Let us discuss how to extend/ enhance your existing software or build companion apps that run on the desktop, web or phone to help fill any gaps in your data collection and ensure you have everything you need to truly understand, control and continuously improve your business.

We have the skills and experience to build bridging applications and streamline data flows. Let us put our proven capabilities in system integrations, APIs, Webservices, SQL and general dot net programming to work for you.

Let us save your employees’ valuable time by helping them with anything they do repetitively. We have experience implementing process automation with just the right balance between human oversight versus automation complimented with exception handling and alerting capabilities. With expertise in a variety of automation tools, including Microsoft Power Automate, we come prepared.

By layering Power BI on top of your existing software systems and data silos we can help modernize and unify your business. We will start with streamlining your data flows, architecting the right kind of data warehouse, and implementing a well-designed data model to provide a strong foundation for your business intelligence platform.  We will follow that up with hands-on training on your data to your employees, empowering them to draw maximum benefits from what we build. Let us show you how to surface signals from the noise, identify problems early on, improve operational efficiencies, and discover hidden opportunities.

Gain a deeper understanding of your processes, customers and markets to make confident, data-informed, strategic decisions that grow revenue and save costs.

Contact us today for a demo on how we can help bring your data to life with Power BI.

To learn how Power BI can help you leverage AI to gain insights from your data, click here.